Total Raised
$ 5467

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IOTA, founded in 2006,, IOTA is a prominent art and luxury business with a physical presence in 15 countries across the Americas, Europe, the Middle East, and the Asia Pacific. Our flagship international sales hubs are located in Las Vegas, NV, United States. Renowned and trusted for expert live and online-only auctions, as well as bespoke Private Sales, IOTA's unparalleled network of specialists provides clients with a comprehensive portfolio of global services, including art appraisal, art financing, international real estate, and education. IOTA's auctions cover over 40 art and luxury categories, with price points ranging from $600 to over $100 million, We employ professional business techniques, metal fabrications, and other export equipment in our work.
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IOTA's unparalleled network of specialists provides clients with a comprehensive portfolio of global services, including art appraisal, art financing, international real estate, and education.
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We employ professional business techniques, metal fabrications, and other export equipment in our work.
Creator’s Royalty
IOTA's auctions cover over 40 art and luxury categories, with price points ranging from $600 to over $100 million,
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IOTA is a prominent art and luxury business with a physical presence in 15 countries across the Americas, Europe, the Middle East, and the Asia Pacific.
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Our flagship international sales hubs are located in Las Vegas, NV, United States. Renowned and trusted for expert live and online-only auctions, as well as bespoke Private Sales
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